Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Best Place For Me To Go!

Please, I need some space! These words are being uttered by me in times that I feel empty. We can’t deny the fact that sometimes we’re confused in the things that are happening in our life. Does it make us happy or not? When these times come, I would preferably go to places like this. There came a time when I feel so empty and I need to be alone. I went to the beach exactly the time when the sun sets down. As I was internalizing how I feel at that moment of time, I can’t help myself from crying. Does this make sense? Yes it is! Through this, I can express myself although I really don’t understand what I am feeling at that time. For sure, you experienced something like this in your life. That you really want to cry but you don’t know why. When you experienced this kind of situation, just go to places where you can outburst your feelings and don’t ever forget to seek the creators’ help.

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